
Although this is very much a fan operation, a lot of time and effort goes into making sure each Summer of Sonic convention runs smoothly. This page is a salute to the people who have worked so hard in organising the event and providing an awesome time for those in attendance. Give it up for the following people!

2009 Credits

Core Staff
Co-ordinator / Organiser: Svend Joscelyne
Co-ordinator / Community Manager, SEGA Europe: Kevin Eva
Head of Security: Joshua Cartlidge
Stage Manager: Adam Tuff

Door Staff, Tech and DJs
Door Staff: Phil Sims
Door Staff: Jason Hill
Live Feed Presenter: Rory Joscelyne
Live Feed Camera: Jamie Williams
Technical, DJ: Ian Bennett
DJ: Graham Seward
DJ: John Finlay

Arena Staff
Sonic’s Entourage: Lewis Clark, James Maloney
Fan Art Corner: Joanne Wheatley, Rebecca Dillon
Games Zone: Ian Wheatley, Dale Gennard
Comics & Cartoons: Alex Perea, Blair Krolak
Special Staff: Lee Howard, Stuart Gennard

Special Thanks To: SEGA Corporation, SEGA Europe, Sumo Digital, Bentley Jones, Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn, Truman Brewery, NJ Live, Double A/Roger at EvilDoc, Sonic Paradox, Frobman

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